Extend your computer's lifespan with these maintenance tips.

Branded computers to lasts for almost a decade, In my experience, IBM PC with Intel Pentium II can still be used up to now. Last 2008, i tried to make a fresh install of Windows XP in to two units of this IBM PC. Compared to new PC, cloned PC and all new computer parts with low class manufacturers only lasts for less than 2 years.
To help you do any maintenance to your computer to make it extend its life for many years, here are some tips that will surely protect your computer and prevent any unnecessary damage to extend you computer's life.
External Care - hardware parts.
  1. Shutdown your computer properly.
  2. Do not unplug your PC improperly.
  3. Dust and dirt will surely accumulate inside the CPU, all you have to do is let it be. Because if you clean it just because you what to, there is a possibility that some of its parts might loose and if that happens you will start to fixed it by yourself and it might cause another trouble if you do not know how to fix it.
Internal Care - inside the windows operating system.
  1. Make sure you always check if your PC antivirus is always updated
  2. Use CCleaner to cleanup the garbage that accumulate when you use you PC overtime. This is the reason why your PC tends to become slow. for over 3 years, DID YOU KNOW that you computer collects temporary files on a certain folder called temp which you do not know why you local drive is eating up some space.
  3. Disk defragmentation should be done at least 3 times a year. (Only if you use you computer for frequent file storage, copying, deleting, moving large volume of files such as movies, etc.
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